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ROS measurement system integration

The ROS-integration is based on rosjava. Connections to one or more running ROS systems are possible. The master uri of a ros system has to be configured as property of the measurement system configuration as follow:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<MeasurementProcess name="Upperlimb Measurement">
   <MeasurementSystem id="default" system="ROS" fileSuffix="r3d">
            <Property name="localhost" value=""/>
            <Property name="masteruri" value=""/>
            <TransducerUnitGroup name="vicon/RightHumerus" displayName="RightHumerus">
                <TransducerUnit name="RightHumerus" displayName="RightHumerus" sampleRate="120">

The <MeasurementSystem>-element has the following additional properties:

Property name Description Optional
masteruri The ip of the ROS master. No
localhost The ip of the networkinterface used to connecto to the ROS master. Without using it, a default value is determined automatically which can result in the wrong ip, if more than one network adapters are available. Yes

The <TransducerUnit>-elemement has additional specific properties:

Property name Description Optional
timestampsMethod Methods to define timestamps: „fromROS“ if the timestamp from default ROS-header is used; „autoarrive“ if the timestamp when the frame arrives is used. „autofixSampleRate“ if the configurated sample rate is used No
integration/ros.1590398299.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/05/25 11:18 von oliver

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