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ROS measurement system integration

The ROS-integration is based on rosjava. Connections to one or more running ROS systems are possible. The master uri of a ros system has to be configured as property of the measurement system configuration as follow:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<MeasurementProcess name="Upperlimb Measurement">
   <MeasurementSystem id="default" system="ROS" fileSuffix="r3d">
            <Property name="localhost" value=""/>
            <Property name="masteruri" value=""/>
            <TransducerUnitGroup name="vicon/RightHumerus" displayName="RightHumerus">
                <TransducerUnit name="RightHumerus" displayName="RightHumerus" sampleRate="120">

The <MeasurementSystem>-element has the following additional properties:

Property name Description Optional
masteruri The ip of the ROS master. No
localhost The ip of the networkinterface used to connecto to the ROS master. Without using it, a default value is determined automatically which can result in the wrong ip, if more than one network adapters are available. Yes

The <TransducerUnit>-elemement has additional specific properties:

Property name Description Optional
timestampsMethod Methods to define timestamps: „fromROS“ if the timestamp from default ROS-header is used; „autoarrive“ if the timestamp when the frame arrives is used. „autofix“ if the configurated sample rate is used and it is assumed that no frames are lost. No

UR specific topics

Topic name Description Channel name Unit Type
masteruri Temperatures in 6 segments of an ur robot „URt<index>“ and „URtT“ for the timestamps °C REAL
integration/ros.1590483660.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/05/26 11:01 von oliver

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