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RTDE measurement system integration

RTDE is a realtime communication stack to communicate with robots from Universal Robots, with have controller hardware equal or newer than CB3 and works best with the e-series.

It is based on JDataAquisition, a java library wrapper for the RTDE client library DataStream SDK. Connections to one or more robot systems are possible.

The value of the attribute „system“ from the element <MeasurementSystem> has to be set to „RTDE“.

Example configuration fragment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MeasurementProcess name="Test RTDE measurement system integration">
 <MeasurementSystem id="default" system="RTDE" fileSuffix="rtde">
        <Property name="sampleRate" value="120.0"/>
        <Property name="dnsidentifiablename" value=""/>
        <!--Property name="timeout" value="10000"/-->
        <TransducerUnitGroup name="TCP" displayName="TCP">   
            <TransducerUnit name="TCP" displayName="TCP">
                <Channel name="q0"/>
                <Channel name="q1"/>
                <Channel name="q2"/>
                <Channel name="q3"/>
                <Channel name="v0"/>
                <Channel name="v1"/>
                <Channel name="v2"/>
        <TransducerUnitGroup name="markers" displayName="Markers">   
            <TransducerUnit name="GLOBE1" displayName="GLOBE1">
                <Channel name="v0"/>
                <Channel name="v1"/>
                <Channel name="v2"/>
                <Channel name="T"/>

The <MeasurementSystem>-element has the following additional properties:

Property name Description Optional
dnsidentifiablename A name possibly resolveable by the DNS No
integration/rtde.1607069842.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/12/04 09:17 von oliver

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