Vicon measurement system integration
The Vicon-integration is based on JDataAquisition, a java library wrapper of Vicons DataStream SDK. Connections to one or more running Vicon systems are possible.
The value of the attribute „system“ from the element <MeasurementSystem> has to be set to „Vicon“.
Example configuration fragment:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MeasurementProcess name="Test Vicon measurement system integration"> <MeasurementSystem id="default" system="Vicon" fileSuffix="v3d"> <Property name="sampleRate" value="120.0"/> <Property name="dnsidentifiablename" value=""/> <!--Property name="timeout" value="10000"/--> <TransducerUnitGroup name="TCP" displayName="TCP"> <TransducerUnit name="TCP" displayName="TCP"> <Channel name="q0"/> <Channel name="q1"/> <Channel name="q2"/> <Channel name="q3"/> <Channel name="v0"/> <Channel name="v1"/> <Channel name="v2"/> </TransducerUnit> </TransducerUnitGroup> ... <TransducerUnitGroup name="markers" displayName="Markers"> <TransducerUnit name="GLOBE1" displayName="GLOBE1"> <Channel name="v0"/> <Channel name="v1"/> <Channel name="v2"/> <Channel name="T"/> </TransducerUnit> ... </TransducerUnitGroup> </MeasurementSystem> ... </MeasurementProcess>
The <MeasurementSystem>-element has the following additional properties:
Property name | Description | Optional |
dnsidentifiablename | A name possibly resolveable by the DNS | No |
bufferSize | The size of the receiving data buffer. Default value is 1 | Yes |
isMarkerDataEnabled | Should labeled marker data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isMarkerRayDataEnabled | Should marker ray data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isDeviceDataEnabled | Should device data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isUnlabeledMarkerDataEnabled | Should unabled marker data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isSegmentDataEnabled | Should segment data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isLightweightSegmentDataEnabled | Should segment data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isVideoDataEnabled | Should video data be transmitted and avaiable to be saved. | Yes |
isCentroidDataEnabled | Should centroid data be transmitted and available to be saved. | Yes |
isGreyscaleDataEnabled | Should greyscaledata be transmitted and available to be saved. | Yes |
streamingMode | ClientPull or ClientPullPreFetch or ServerPush | Yes |
Keep in mind: The first frame got by the ViconDataStream is always 0. This seems to be a bug in the Vicon DataStream API.
The channel names are fix for the markers and segments but are configurable in principle for devices. TransducerUnitGroups with the names listed in the following table have a specific meaning. All other names are interpreted as subject names corresponding to the names configured in Vicon Tracker/Nexus.
tranducer unit group name | Description |
markers | This group contains units corresponding to markers |
devices | This group contains units corresponding to devices |
Marker unit can have channels with the names shown in the following table:
channel name | Description |
v0 | x coordinate of the position of the marker |
v1 | y coordinate of the position of the marker |
v2 | z coordinate of the position of the marker |
T | timestamp corresponding to the marker. |
q | quality of the tracking of the marker |
Segment units can have channels with the names shown in the following table:
channel name | Description |
v0 | x coordinate of the position of the marker |
v1 | y coordinate of the position of the marker |
v2 | z coordinate of the position of the marker |
q0 | |
q1 | |
q2 | |
q3 | |
T | timestamp corresponding to the marker. |
q | quality of the tracking of the marker |