


Artiminds RPS WebSocket Trigger integration

This implementation implements only loading and starting the robot program via Artiminds RPS HttpSocket interface. The next-cylce mechanim must be handled otherwise, e.g. by the ROS-Trigger implementation.

Property name Description Optional
robot_cmd_program_name Absolute path to the Artiminds RPS program to load and start it. Maybe a relative path relative to the executable of the RPS itself is possible. No
loading_robot_program_timeout Timeout in seconds waiting for a response after invocation of loading a robot program. Default value is 10s Yes
starting_robot_program_timeout Timeout in seconds waiting for a response after invocation of starting a robot program. Default value is 10s Yes
<TrialType name="kirkdefault" duration="2"
              labelset="Input.xml" measurementSystemConfigIds="default">
  <PropertyGroup name="RPSTrigger">
        <Property name="robot_cmd_program_name" 
  <!-- Handling of the next cycle mechanism via the ROS trigger implementation -->
  <PropertyGroup name="ROSTrigger">
              <Property name="robot_cmd_node_name" value="robot_command_server"/>
              <Property name="robot_cmd_service_name" value="robotCommand"/>
              <Property name="nextcycle_cmd_node_name" value="robot_nextcycle"/>
              <Property name="nextcycle_cmd_service_name" value="nextCycle"/>
              <Property name="nextcycle_cmd_service_timeout" value="120"/>

The needed uri configuration to connect the RPS is read from the RPS Measurement System configuration.

trigger/rps.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/03/25 16:37 von oliver

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