


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!


Your first have to define a data folder where to save recorded data. This folder is called a session folder. I good idea is to use the date as the folder name, optionally with an upper letter A, B, C,… if more than one session is recorded a day. Each recording is called a trial. The folders can be created by an explorer of your operating system.

JDAQ can show parts of your folder structure in the „DataExplorer“ typically shown on the left side of the JDAQ UI.

To start a recording/measurement of a trial select the session folder in the dataExplorer and open it context-menu with the right mouse key.

Property name Description
Subject ID
Session Id
Trial Type
Trial Nr
recording.1581516144.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/02/12 15:02 von oliver

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